Are Your Affirmations Backfiring? Discover the Real Key to Manifestation!

The campfire crackled and whispered. It warmed our hands and feet as we sat together on a clear January evening, a group of 'awake’ people. We were to perform a small ceremony for the new year. One by one, we threw a piece of wood into the fire with our wishes for the future. 

'More abundance,' 'freedom,' 'love' were popular wishes. 'No more arguments with my partner,' the woman to my left threw her piece of wood into the fire with a deep sigh that seemed to come from her very soul. A few people visibly stiffened. 'No! Not like that! The universe doesn't understand negative words. You will create the opposite of what you intended!' 

This incident stirred something in me, something that lingered. Because is that so? I understood what the people were saying. But at the same time, I also felt the deep longing of the woman next to me. What is  true? 

I asked the Pleiadian Light Guides: 

'Words have power, and it's the intention that counts. Both statements are true. Be aware of the words you speak. Words have power: every sentence you speak is a spell and a wish. At the same time, it's important to realize that if the intention behind them is different and more powerful, it will nullify the power of the words. 

The most potent combination is when both work together in alignment. Take, for example, the words 'I like it,' there can be many different energies just in those words. If someone means it, it will evoke a completely different energy than if someone doesn't. You understand that intention and frequency are essential here.' 


I often hear that you shouldn't use negative words in affirmations and healings. The universe supposedly doesn't understand negative words, so if you say 'I don't want this,' the universe will understand it as: 'I want this.' 

Pleiadian Light Guides: 

Do you really think the universe takes this into account? With all the different languages and expressions? Do you believe the universe will favor your words over your energy? It's not about the words. It's about the frequency behind them. It is the desire of your heart. Words are tools to express your energy, but nothing more than that. They will always be a translation of your soul's desire. And sometimes there are no words to express what you are feeling. The more aligned you are with your soul, the more your words will match your frequency. 

So, if you're still deeply connected to the ego - and thus to words - the frequency they emit will be very different from what your soul says, and that's when there will be a clash. If you deeply feel something inside, it doesn't matter: 'I really feel ready to let go, I truly don't want this anymore, so I say NO!' Do you really think the universe will interpret the frequency and think: that's negative, so it's actually a YES? The universe understands you no matter what. And with unconditional love we might add. 

The universe and beings of Light like us respond much more to your frequency than to your exact words. If there's a being that needs the exact words, chances are it's a being in the lower fourth dimension, trapped in the energy of service to self. 

True beings of Light scan your energy fields, they know your heart. That's what they respond to. Not your words. They recognize your galactic signature and know your soul's song."

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