Discover the hidden power of attention

4 August 2023

We all know how hectic life can be, right? Always busy with so many things at once: social media, Netflix, messages to and from friends and family. And then I try to multitask even further by listening to a podcast while taking a walk.

We impose so much on ourselves. Why is that? Archangel Hermes of Sirius wanted to share something about this.

"I am glad to have your attention for a moment. In an overcrowded world where so many things vie for your attention and your focus is constantly challenged, it is good to occasionally focus your attention on one thing. Yes, even you, Inge, listening to audiobooks or podcasts while performing routine tasks. The greatest gift you can give yourself right now is attention. Give your attention to one thing. You are taught to focus on multiple things at once, to engage with many things simultaneously. 

Your attention becomes scattered, and with it, you become fragmented. You have become fragmented beings. In the aftermath of the descent into density, your souls fragmented into many parts to survive. As only a small part of your life spark could be present in density, a large part of the life spark had to remain elsewhere, resulting in only a small part of you being "alive." You started to feel separated from each other, as well as from your own greater life spark (which many of you confuse with the "soul," but it is just a small part of your true soul). You started to believe that this is all you are - a small life spark trapped in a dense dimension.

But now, in this transitional phase, cracks are appearing in that density. Pieces of your greater life essence that were long ago split off, are finding their way back into your physical body. This is what we call the process of becoming multidimensional; reconnecting with the parts of you that exist beyond this dense dimension.

You are in a transition phase where these connections are re-forming and becoming solid. Focus and attention are essential tools in this process. While your attention is constantly drawn outside of yourself to the parts of you calling to reunite with you, it is essential to direct your attention to yourself and train yourself to be 'in the moment' as long as possible. Become as present as possible to experience this. This way, the multidimensional parts can find their way back to you.

Unfortunately, there are forces that want to prevent you from re-establishing those connections. They want to distract your attention to frequencies that have nothing to do with your life spark. So instead of your fragments coming back into contact with each other, they are driven further apart. Your attention becomes fragmented, and you become further fragmented, with the false impression that you are continuing to grow bigger than you were, that you can absorb more information than before, that you can assimilate all of this faster and become more agile energetically. Yet, you actually lose all those talents because you lose control of your energy; you are no longer the one in control, but the outside world dictates what happens to your energy.

But the way out is simple. By training yourself in focus and attention, you train yourself to be more in the moment. Because that's how you become multidimensional, can assimilate more information, and it becomes easier to distinguish between truth and untruth. Give yourself the gift of truth. Just by giving yourself attention. By going back to focus and being in the moment. That's how you become multidimensional again."

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