Get lost!

9 November 2022

This week I'm preparing for my Dutch online program to launch. Do you now feel a big disappointment because you don't speak Dutch? I will tell you a little secret: the intention is to have my first English speaking program launch within a year!

All these business musings raise questions. Who am I now? The longer I work on that, the deeper I go into myself. Who am I REALLY now?

I know by now that I am a Galactic soul, having lived all kinds of beautiful, and slightly less wonderful lives. But what does it mean for the here and NOW? 

How can I truly help humanity along in the shift to 5D?

I feel the polarity getting bigger and bigger. The calling of the stars is getting stronger and Earth's needs are becoming more and more urgent. Humanity seems lost and does not know where to go next.

The guides:

“That's a positive thing! The feeling of being lost is the first step. Then you can enjoy the freedom to deviate from the old path. If you don’t have the idea that the route is not right (anymore), you will not be looking for another way. You continue on autopilot because it's always been that way.

The fact that you no longer know where you are going gives humanity a chance to free itself from the old path and the old systems. That means there will be space for alternative paths and new ways of thinking. You are making room for change. 

You as lightworkers and starseeds can now be a beacon of light to humanity by standing deeply in your essence, to be the example and allow your light to shine more brightly. And you know… you being a beacon of light doesn’t mean having to guide others in a specific direction.  You don't have to be the anchor point where people have to move towards.

By shining your great light, you illuminate the environment. This bright light brings humanity out of the dark so they can begin to see what is happening around them. Then they will be able to see for THEMSELVES and can make their own choices.

The more people become a beacon of light, the brighter it gets on Earth. The different paths become clearer and choices open to you as humanity.

So let your light shine more strongly. Stop turning your light on and off like a little firefly! Transform the deepest shadows and let the brightest frequencies flow through you. It's time to say goodbye to the small version of yourself. You can shine, without needing to apologize."

Say goodbye to the little firefly and become the bonfire you were meant to be. 

Start here with the journey back to yourself

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