Message from the Galactic Federation

5 April 2023

“We have arrived at the next stage of the plan, dear lightworkers. One of the tasks you have taken on is coming to an end. It is time for the human collective to take the next step. You have come here to help the Human Collective Consciousness evolve and grow back to what is the core of what humanity came to experience: a physical experience in a 5D reality.

Humanity had become entangled in density and saw no way out, while there was great potential. On a deep collective subconscious level, the human collective sent out a request for help to the beings guiding the Earth experiment, the Galactic Federation. We can never leave a sincere collective request for help unanswered and so we sent souls to Earth to help, that was you, wonderful souls.

One of the tasks you took on was to transform the thick karmic layer that was caked around the human collective consciousness. It had become too much for humanity and she couldn't get out. It was one of the reasons that the light of remembrance could not penetrate to Earth. Therefore, each of you took on a portion of the karma to transform.

And you did, wonderful beings of light! You have now transformed so much that more and more light can penetrate; the prison of karma has been broken open. That is not to say that it no longer exists, it means that it has now been transformed in such a way that you no longer have to carry it for the collective.

The human collective consciousness is once again ready to stand up and carry and redeem its own share. This part of your job is done. You may return the karma you bear for humanity. The double or sometimes three or four double karmic burdens that you have taken on are ready to be absolved and may be discarded. Don’t be afraid to hold back the development of mankind. If humanity wants to evolve further, she will have to do its own part. She's ready.

To free you from the additional karma you have taken on for humanity, we recommend the following exercise:

  • Cleanse your space and light a candle.
  • Get into a meditative state.
  • Ask the karmic higher council to come to you, feel their presence and receive a karmic torch with clear black light in which the stars shine.
  • Become aware that there are all kinds of lines around you that connect you to the human collective consciousness.
  • Connect the karmic torch to the physical power of the candle.
  • Move the karmic torch through all the lines that connect you to the human collective consciousness and let it burn in the light of the torch.
  • Let your Higher Self fill you with Higher Self energy.
  • Let the karmic torch merge with the flame of the candle.
  • Say aloud: I return the karma I carry from humanity in love.
  • Blow out the candle.
  • Thank the karmic higher council.

Repeat this exercise several times. You have become so accustomed to this karmic reality that you will tend to take it on again unnoticed.

Let go of this, you do not want to carry this burden with you into the next phase of the plan. We're here for you.”

With love and in love, 

Galactic Federation


Thanks Galactic Federation! I'm ready for the next phase!




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