The guide to happiness 

21 December 2022

Am I happy? I've been told that only someone who isn't happy asks themselves that question. Is that so? Or could it also be that a person who is not self-aware does not look within him or herself to occasionally feel whether he or she is happy? Or is it the case that we take the status quo for granted and stop thinking that there might be “more”, or that our lives can also be “different”? Maybe we don't want to see if we are happy, because if we look at it we might just have to take responsibility for our lives.

A great conversation topic for the Guides.

Inge: What is happiness?

Guides: “Happiness means that you are connected. In connection with yourself and with others. You reach true happiness when you feel connected and have a deep knowing that you are where you need to be. That you fulfill your soul mission and your life’s mission.

Your society is still so rooted in the I-consciousness that it has taken focus away from the bigger picture. The fact that you are a small part of the whole is not enough for many. Many are guided by the desire to make the whole a part of your little part. Paradoxically, both observations are true. You are a small cogwheel in the great clockwork and at the same time you are the great clockwork. What do you do with it? Are you using the big picture within yourself to feed your I-consciousness? Or do you use it in service of others?

In the first case you absorb the energy of everything around you to increase your own glory and in the second case you use your energy to increase the glory of the whole. The big difference between the two is that if you use your energy to strengthen the greater whole, you get this energy back threefold. You are, as it were, carried by the large field of consciousness. The connections become stronger and if you dare to open your heart to it, happiness will flow to you. If you use it to enrich yourself (material or immaterial) the field of consciousness will respond by sending the same type of energy back to you in triplicate. Only the energy is cold and frozen instead of warm and supportive.”

Inge: How is it possible that you sometimes put energy into people and they then suck you dry?

Guides: “That's the case if you look at a 1 on 1 exchange. In the grand scheme of things, there is indeed support from the field. Unless you give the energy to get something in return, in which case you are fooling yourself and it is not given out of love. It may also be that there a karmic issue to work out between you and the other person or that there is a blockage in you that you cannot see yet. And the loving support of the field makes you face the wound in you.”

Inge: How can we become happy?

Guides: “Try zooming out, see your life from a bigger perspective. Live from your essence and give from that essence to your environment. Connect with others and then look at the bigger picture, away from the microscope of ego consciousness. Enjoy the beauty of the whole. The further you zoom out, the better you can feel that you are supported, that you are connected to the whole. With us. With the stars. With the universe. With unconditional love. You are part of the heartbeat of the universe and the heartbeat of the universe is part of you. The more often you allow yourself to feel that, the more space there is for ecstasy. And that is the true essence of the universe and of you.”


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