The magic of your dreams: Blue Avians show you the way!

April 12, 2024

Splash, squish, a nasty smell, and the feeling of ohhh no! 

That's how I feel when I step in dog poop. 

It's the same feeling I get when I once again fall into an old trap. Nooooo!!! Why didn't I pay better attention????

 It's not like I wasn't warned! The Guides had clearly stated that the period from December to the Spring Equinox would be a time of letting go. I knew it. I was ready to let go of everything through lots of meditation.

But, well, it doesn't work like that. Or at least, not entirely. It's just one level of letting go, but there's also the physical level. Or as the saying goes: "walk your talk". 

You have to LIVE the energy. Convert it into action. Not just feel it in meditation, but also base your choices and reactions on it in daily life.

Once again, I fell into the trap of "I must control everything." Setting beautiful intentions and then insisting on a certain outcome. And not being able to accept that it might turn out differently. Because that's failure, it means I'm not good enough, that I haven't worked hard enough.

So, what about dreams, grand visions? How do you deal with those?

The Blue Avians answered:

“Dare to dream, dare to open yourself to new realities, even if they seem unlikely. We bring possibilities with us, we help you open up to vast new perspectives. So dare to dream, dare to open yourself to the magic of the impossible.

Then let it go, don't lock the possibilities into your body by forcefully making the dreams come true. Let the possibilities flow through you first, without clinging to the outcome or expecting the result.

Open your mind, your heart, and your body to the frequencies of possibilities. This is how you create openings for true magic. So that magic can carry you to places you never before deemed possible.

As soon as you cling to an outcome, you lock the energy, you create a blockage, to put it in your terms. You create disappointment because the outcome wasn't as you desired.

Trust us, trust the universe, spirit team, or your own essence, know that at a soul level, you will receive exactly the desired outcome. So let go of expectations, let the dream frequencies unleash magic.

At the same time, keep connecting with love, truth, and purity, and the frequencies will reveal the magic in your life.”

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