What would you do? 


September 28th, 2022


Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and out. Look around you, you are in the Golden Age of Atlantis. You stand in front of the Great Central Temple that connects everything. A tangible reminder that everything is connected. See the pure white crystalline lines flowing from this temple and nourishing all. Feel the purity. Immerse yourself in this magnificent spectacle….

And open your eyes again.

Were you there with me too? Or maybe you know you weren't on Earth at this time, but you can feel the echo of this in your DNA. How wonderful it was. And how we lost it.

How did that happen? How did we let this preciousness slip through our fingers? There are popular stories about the great disasters, explosions, floods that have destroyed material things.

But the decline started before that. It didn't get dark overnight, no, it crept in slowly. It started with a loss of integrity that gradually made its way into the temples and centers of power. By using the power for personal gain. Slowly but surely we lost the purity and the energy became darker.

How did it come to this? Why didn't anyone say anything? Why did no one stand up when the tide could still be turned. There were those few who did. But too little, too weak to change anything. It's a trauma that I still carried in me. And many of you with me!

When we look around us now in our society, we see the same thing. There are many examples of things that are not right. Within government, within companies. And there are only few who bravely stand up. Who risk everything and say, "No, stop, this is not right!"

I understand. You have so much to lose. Money, status, respect, friends and in some cases even financial security. And yet it is the only way forward. The only way to build the New Earth. Because any system is doomed to fail if it is not built on integrity and purity.

This week I was challenged to take a stand. I felt all the above mentioned objections.

What was going on?

I was at a business event of a well-known coach. I had just invested a few thousand euros in a program to work with this person (yes, got myself into debt because it felt the right thing for me) and so I was really looking forward to this day which I saw as a kind of kick-off.

Instead I was shaken to the core!

Halfway through the day we were suddenly bombarded with satanic symbols, red lights, red outfits in a dark theater. I felt it in my bones… this wasn't right!

I came home completely disillusioned. "What now? Did I see it right? Did I feel good? What can I do about it? How can I connect myself as a Galactic Priestess to a program which is flirting with Satanism? This is unacceptable, I have to do something about it.

But I invested so much money. If I say something about it, I can no longer participate in the program, because then they know who I am. They will just laugh at me. If they know I know, they will direct the symbols at me.”

These were pretty much the thoughts I struggled with. I suddenly understood so well why people prefer to keep their mouths shut and not stand up. Especially if your income depends on whether you keep quiet or not, it is such a big risk. It also became clear to me that I could not continue as a Galactic Priestess if I did not take a stand. If I didn't
say, “You are crossing a line! This is not the way we are going to build a new world. This is why we are in trouble. It has to stop now.”

It always starts with ourselves. We can energetically cleanse ourselves for hours, but there is no point to it if we don't follow up and act then from the highest possible purity available to us. That would be spiritual bypassing that you hear so much about. Spirituality to feel comfortable and not for actual growth.

How can I introduce people to Galactic Wisdom if I don't radiate at the highest possible purity for me at that moment?

So I got up. With my heart beating in the throat and knees trembling. I called the organization and told them what I saw and that it was not right. I sent an email about it. They didn't understand, according to them, everyone had experienced it as beautiful.

I’m sorry, but there’s no way! Not everyone. And perhaps not everyone realizes the meaning of the certain symbols. I mean, there are also a lot of people who enjoy watching Lady Gaga perform.

I felt stupid, wanted to hide in a corner. But I know there is also a dark side to spirituality that is REAL. And it's time to take a look at that too. Because only by looking at both sides can we grow. Then we make a choice and say: no thanks or yes please.
Whatever choice you make, as long as you are conscious of the choice you are making.

That is genuine free will.

I have made my choice. I stood up. And I will continue to do so. They may laugh at me. So what if they just push me aside. So what if I lose my money. It's all illusion anyway.

By making this choice I have stepped into my pure soul essence. This is me. I have chosen.

And what about you?


PS While considering whether it was real or not, the guides kept whispering the following phrase in my ear: If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a DUCK!

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