Will there always be corruption?

19 October 2022

What now? You have probably already felt it in your bones, in your stomach or wherever you feel that deep wisdom: the old structures in this world are breaking down. Everything is being challenged. Many of us wonder what will take its place now. The old ways are just not working anymore. Systems are collapsing. Beliefs are being questioned. People are increasingly seeing through illusions and are losing faith in how they thought the world was put together. What now? Which new or renewed system (economic, political, social) is the right one? How do we shape the New World? I have seen heated discussions arise in all kinds of groups about how to tackle this now. We just can't seem to figure it out.

Camps arise out of completely withdrawing from everything on the one hand and changing from within on the other. But can the system be changed? 

There is no perfect or enlightened system. It does not matter which structure is used. The success of any system stands or falls with the consciousness of both the individuals that keep it going and the society that has kept it going.

As long as human consciousness has not completely stepped out of the scarcity mentality, there will always be corruption. Until the human collective has grown from the me-versus-you to the we-are-all-connected consciousness, any form of organization will be subject to decay. Any form of governance reflects the consciousness of the collective. It may initially be set up with the purest of intentions, but will eventually reflect the consciousness of the group it serves.

Should we just twiddle our fingers, waiting for that one magical moment when everything changes by itself?

No, continue what you are doing. Be as pure as possible in your actions, and in all that you do. Every small action has a ripple effect, it sends its vibration in the web of the collective consciousness. Set your intentions daily to act as ethically and purely as possible, then put your intention into action and you will send a melodious vibration through the collective web. The more often and more consistently you do this, the stronger the vibration becomes. Until it finally becomes a wave, reaching the others connected to the web.

This action will vibrate and amplify the wave, so that more people will be reached, so that the wave is strengthened and so on. This wave will eventually wash the collective web clean.

That doesn't mean it's done. This purifying wave will have to be maintained. So don't expect it to be something you do for a while and then go back to your old ways.

It will get easier, you as wave makers will be carried by the collective choice of purity. It will grow into a way of being, until it takes no effort and you ask yourself why anyone would ever make a different choice.  Once that awareness is achieved, the new structures will naturally fall into place. This can be based on existing systems, but completely new ones can also arise, based on insights that are activated via the pure web.

Do you want to actively get started with this? Try this:

  • Ask Archangel Gabriel to come to you and fill your entire field with the light of the pure white diamond of purity.
  • Let this light also fill your entire solar center (higher heart), lunar center (abdomen) and crystal center (head).
  • Say the following affirmation: I make every choice from the highest possible purity.
  • See the gossamer threads from your crystal center connecting you to the collective consciousness of humanity.
  • Let the pure white diamond light flow through these ethereal gossamer threads. See and feel the vibration it produces.
  • Connect with this energy in every choice you make.

This is how we bring clarity to this world.



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