A key to unconditional love

23 November 2022

The theme of forgiveness has come up a lot in my life lately. But what exactly is forgiveness? A friend of mine once said to me that there is a kind of feeling of superiority hidden in forgiveness, as if it were something you can give to another or from which you can deprive someone.

That thought made me sad. Forgiveness felt like an important key to spiritual growth to me. It was the beginning of long conversations about forgiveness with the guides.

In short, I learned this from them:

Forgiveness is not something you can give to someone else. Forgiveness is an inner process. Someone else can never give it to you, it's something you give to yourself. Forgiveness is letting go in love, it sets you free. It frees you from your past.

In that sense, it doesn't matter whether you feel that you need forgiveness or that someone else needs to forgive you. Both situations trap you in a low frequency and in a timeline that is no longer yours. By letting go in love, you free yourself and not the other.

If you feel you can't move on without receiving forgiveness or an apology from someone else, it's good to ask yourself why you need it. What part of yourself is so wounded that it needs outside approval or acknowledgment?

Why can't you love yourself unconditionally? Regardless of what someone else thinks of you or thinks you did or didn't do well?

The more you can forgive and let go in love, the closer you get to unconditional love.

In that sense, my friend was right… if you are radiating unconditional love, you don't need to forgive. You don't need love or recognition from the outside to be  fully aligned with  love. You are love. What a wonderful thing to grow into.

Until then I let go in love. Persons, situations, myself.

Need help? Try this:

  • Fill your heart with love.
  • Picture the person or situation you want to forgive. See how it is, as it were, stuck in a tangle of black threads.
  • Flow love to the black threads, let love dissolve the black threads.
  • Place the situation or person in a rose and ask the Pleiadian Light Beings to place it in the correct timeline.

On to unconditional love,



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