A small change in perspective: Light Guides from Sirius

March 9, 2024

I have been unkind. My boyfriend has had a tough time dealing with me lately. Okay, let's be completely honest... I was just being a b*tch.

No love and light, but rather grump and growl.

Trapped within myself. Leave me alone!

"Who am I? What am I? Why am I doing this again?"

I've been fighting battles again. Against doubts and insecurities, against myself.

Because I don't want to be like this! That's when my fighting spirit kicks in. I'll show that it can be done differently!

Of course, that doesn't work. But it took a long time before I realized it. Slowly, it began to dawn on me that the Light Guides had told me this. That it would be a period of letting go.

So, I grudgingly started asking them for advice about letting go.

Light Guides from Sirius:

Change your perspective. You're focusing on letting go and everything you need to release. Your fears, your blockages. It's okay to let go of working at releasing. Know that after the spring equinox, a period of rest will come. A time for taking a break.

Until then make sure to focus on the beautiful energy lying beneath the dark layer you are releasing.

Instead of reliving the layers you are letting go, feel the renewed, fresh energy that can now emerge.

A small change in perspective can mean a great relief.

You are still the pioneers in a great awakening movement. And everyone is doing it in their own way and order. Let go of judgments about where other people are in their process or what someone is dealing with. Whether someone is finally seeing the wounds of their family deep within or looking at the world with a clear gaze, understanding that their worldview has always been distorted.

That is the great challenge of this time. Letting go of judgments about everything and everyone. In the daily bombardment of information, you are tempted to have an instant opinion about everything. Your nervous system is not yet adapted to this and cannot handle it. It will, therefore, experience a sort of short circuit and present you with a simplified version of reality. The black and white reality. All nuances disappear; it's either/or. You only see and experience good and evil and then divide the world around you accordingly.

It's a stress reaction. When you are constantly in danger, the world around you simplifies. Which way can I go? Left or right? Everything is geared towards making a quick decision.

When you are at peace, you will find the big picture again. You can feel again and let your intuition speak again. Make sure you find peace again. Stop the constant stimulus war.

Try not watching TV or Netflix for a week. Make sure you don't check news sites for a whole week (whichever truth they may side with).

Detox. Come back to yourself. Then the last layers of baggage can be released more easily. Then it's easier to see your true self rising from beneath the mud. You are becoming more radiant. We are by your side helping you!

Because the more light you let shine outward, the deeper we can connect with you. So, change your perspective here too: the more discomfort you feel, the more you are letting go, the deeper we can penetrate the density with our Light.

We're in this together! After the Spring Equinox, a period will come when you can relax and breathe again. And you can build from a new perspective.

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