The Sacred Spark in You

13 September 2022

Do you know how sacred you are? In our journey to 5D we have healed many wounds, taken many actions, made steps. The Guides see how far you have come and now ask you to pause. Just focus your attention on the Divine within you. They are asking you to connect with that part of you that is whole. The part in you that is sacred. The Divine Spark within you.

  • Feel, see, know or pretend there is a place within yourself that is whole, that is completely connected with the Divine Spark
  • Breathe into that place, bring relaxation to it, let it take up the space it wants (or can) take up. Don't force it, it doesn't have to be or get bigger than it is.
  • Be aware of this energy, focus your attention on it. It's your home.


"The deeper you can connect with the Sacred Spark within you, the lighter the Earth becomes. Realize that you are part of the spark that is part of the great Oneness Flame.

It often feels so far removed from the reality you experience around you. And yet you are in the middle of the beating heart of everything. You are connected to everything. Therefore, do not look at anything or anyone in a judgmental manner. When you condemn the Great Flame of Oneness, you condemn the Divine Consciousness, you condemn yourself. However, it is also important to make choices, to take actions from your individuality, the separation that you are now.

This is the most challenging part of all and the root of everything at the same time. It is the paradox of the sense of unity in feeling and also living from your individuality. It sometimes seems like an impossible split that you are in.

In order to bring the unity consciousness back to Earth it is necessary to go back to your own individual self. It may sound contradictory, but you have to connect with the self before you can really connect with the collective. Before you can transform the collective into a place where you want to be."


It is time to truly anchor the wisdom we have received. That is an important task. All these lofty ideals, how do they work in this dimension? How do we apply them? Sometimes we get stuck at the next “upgrade” and the next “activation”,  Next “insight”,  but we don't take the time to integrate them into your life. That is a major challenge. How to apply these great visions and experiences?


"It starts with being. Do nothing, just let the frequencies run through you and show you the Path. But it is essential that you stay in that high frequency and that means you have to embody it. Anchor it in your life, live it. Connect with your Higher Self and BE your Higher Self, blend with it. View the world, your life, your actions from that perspective. That gives the focus to your individual self. And from that state of consciousness, you can make a difference in the world.”





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