Chocolate or lemon?

21 June 2023

“I want a scoop of chocolate AND one hazelnut AND one chestnut.”

“Oh and also coffee AND lemon.” There I am in an ice cream parlor with a huge choice, I want all flavors. Well, except for the very fruity flavor, which I don’t really like, except lemon, that one I do like.

And all these scoops would fit into a cup, but I don't care for one. I love cones! So if I can get a vegan cone, I'll choose that. With all the flavors scooped onto it, so that you can't actually move, because the ice-cream tower will fall.

Why should I limit myself?

Then I also notice that it is way too much. That I can't eat all that ice cream. After a few licks of each flavor I've had enough. It is often more the idea that I can have them all, rather than I actually can at them all.

So, it is very difficult for me to make choices. I find it so hard to limit myself, because that's how it often feels. When I choose one thing, I have to give up everything else. In the case of an ice cream, the consequences are not so bad. Except for messy hands and ice-cream stains on my clothes. But in my life, as a galactic priestess, the consequences are often more far-reaching. It creates a certain kind of paralysis, so that in the end I don't choose anything, I am paralyzed, and everything comes to a standstill.

Am I going to write that book now? Hooray!!!! I want that!! 

Am I finally going to start that podcast? Yeaaaaaaaa!!! I want that too!! 

Am I going to organize that spiritual journey now? Hooray!!! Yaaaaa!!

But as soon as I decide to start with one of those activities, I also immediately want to start another activity. So, I start to tune in and feel into what I really want. But unfortunately. I really want it all!

The Guides laugh.

“Yes, and then you always ask us for a sign. And then another. And another one. You want us to tell you what to do. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't work that way.

We understand that you are confused. When do you just follow the flow of the universe? When so many things are beautiful and good for you all at the same time. How do you make the choice and how do you know it is your choice and not that of a higher power who will decide for you? 

We tell you that you have not really let go of control yet. That you don't really trust the flow of the universe yet. That asking again and again for signs is an indication that you are not in your own energy, but that you are looking for the answers outside of yourself.

 You are afraid of missing out, that if you choose one way, the other way is closed as an option for you. You are afraid of doing it wrong. We tell you there is no wrong way. Each road will lead you to the important moments of your life.”

 Inge: How can I get help with the important moments?

 “The signs you receive will be reliable the moment you are in pure alignment with yourself. Completely within yourself. When you look at the world around you in such a state of being, reliable clues will appear all around you. Thus, the way of your highest good will reveal itself to you naturally.

 A big exception to this is the messages of love and commitment you receive from your personal team. These signs will appear precisely when you are not feeling well and need these reminders the most.

 So, if you are receiving all sorts of confusing signs when asking which path is best for you, chances are you are not in alignment with yourself. When this happens, make sure you get back to your core first. Then it becomes clear.

 Not being able to make decisions about little things like what ice cream you want isn't a bad thing. Enjoy the indecision, enjoy the freedom of choice and abundance. Release the judgment. Give yourself freedom.

 Not being able to make decisions about things that matter is an invitation to sink deeper into yourself. The more you grow, the more important this becomes. We as Light Guides will interfere less and less with these things, as you grow up. It's time to make your own decisions. That's part of it. We will still be here to help you. Only the question is different. Instead of asking which decision is right for you, ask us to help you make the best choice.

 We are proud of you. You're growing up!"


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