
7 June 2023

"I do not want to go."

"It's what needs to be done at this time."

“Okay, if I have to, I will go. But I'm not going to like it!"

"That is not necessary. But you only hurt yourself if you resist.”

This is how the conversation with my guides went  last week, when it was time to leave Portugal for the Netherlands again. From paradise back to the cold Netherlands.


Follow my path.

Trust in the universe and the Guides.

Unfortunately, that does not mean that as soon as you are in surrender and you walk your path that everything is immediately smelling like roses and moonshine. That everything you encounter is fun. That you no longer encounter any obstacles.

I once thought that if I was walking the road that was meant for me, there would be no more annoying things. How naive I was!

I should have known.

A great spiritual teacher was completely on his path and was nailed to the cross for it. (Actually more than just one, but you know what I mean.)

Where does it come from? My need to be rewarded for the effort? My idea that my life has only been valuable if I have reached many people with my spiritual work? That if I work hard enough, I will find my way and finally many people will listen to my meditations, read my newsletter? That I can finally inspire people with the things I do? As a version of Pippi Longstocking, helping people by dancing through the world. 

“If I do it right, the road will be smooth and without obstacles.” It's a belief I'm allowed to transform. For the path I have chosen for this life is not all sunshine, unicorns and magical stardust. Sometimes it is biting through the sour apple. Not because the reward awaits at the end, but because it is what must be done. In surrender, in full acceptance of what is.

So, I'm back in the Netherlands. Because it's the place where I'm still needed now. I can fight it, refuse to accept that this is the reality now and try to get out of here as hard and fast as possible.

Or I can embrace it.

Because this is what is being asked of me now. And I choose to look at the world around me with love. Because there is so much beauty that can happen now that I'm here.

A new Dutch series Follow your Star Path, a new round of Dutch online programs, and (YES, finally!) an English online version of the Pleiadian Lightwork Training. Those are the wonderful things I can do when I'm here. Those are the wonderful things that give me so much pleasure to be able to propagate. Whether it's for 1 person or 100. It doesn't matter, I can't stop it, it just flows out of me.

So dear Radiant Soul… hold on to your heart! We're going for it together! Count down with me:

1… 2… 3… Ascension!!

Start here with the journey back to yourself

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