Find your way home

8 March 2023

In the 90s I often listened to a Natalie Imbruglia CD. It was back when “Torn” was a big hit and I was going through a painful divorce at the time and many of the songs on the CD seemed to be about me and my situation. The CD contained another song: Pigeons and Crumbs. Not a very special song in itself and I have forgotten the lyrics a bit after all these years. But one part of that song has always stuck in my mind: Where did it go? The bluebird I should follow back home. But where is home?

Those lyrics still flash through my head sometimes. Where is my home? Where do I belong? How do I get there again?

Do you know that feeling of homesickness? The longing for a place where you belong, but you don't know where that is.

Over the years I have become aware that my feelings of homesickness lead not so much to a certain place, but to a way of being, a feeling of being home. For me it's about coming home to myself. And my body is my home, but just as physical homes are temporary;  my body is temporary as well. When you move, you take yourself with you. My body is temporary and like a house it needs maintenance so that I can live there comfortably. But it's not my home of origin.

My soul brings life to my physical home, the connection with myself makes me feel at home there. A lot of my homesickness isn't so much about longing for another place among the stars – when I'm completely tuned in, I feel all those other places among the stars resonate in my field, they are always with me – but with a deep longing for myself. And I mean the full version of myself, the version that is multidimensional.

Guides: “To help you connect more often and more easily with the multidimensional version of yourself, it is good to disconnect from the collective human consciousness. That consciousness traps you in the illusion of being small, of being disconnected from your multidimensional self. The amount of mass manipulation that enters you in this way is enormous.”

Inge: But isn't connection important? Am I not here to assist in helping enlighten the human collective consciousness?

Guides: “You are and remain connected, there is a field of love in which you are connected, in which everything is connected. Each planet has its own (sub) field which is connected to the main field. The field on Earth has been manipulated and infiltrated, keeping the consciousness small. Some also call this the Matrix. When you disconnect yourself from the human collective consciousness, you disconnect yourself from this Matrix, when you are free from that you can connect yourself to the unlimited love field. This field will eventually form the new collective field for humanity.

This process of decoupling goes in phases. First of all, it is important to remove the manipulation programs that are clouding your head and move the cords of collective consciousness  out of your field. Once you've done that, most lightworkers need a period of adjustment. In the meantime, fill yourself up with your Higher Self energy. After the adjustment period you can replace the connection with the collective that is outside your field with a connection with the love field.

Inge: How can you do that?

Guides: “Ask Archangel Metatron and Michael to come to you and remove the cloud of manipulation in your head. Take it away. Then fill the vacant spaces with Higher Self energy. Do this daily until you feel there is nothing left to take away. This will help you come home to your multidimensional self.”

Welcome home Radiant soul!

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