No I without WE

26 October 2022

We talk so much about love. Love is the answer to everything. “What would love do?” is one of my favorite methods to help me make the highest choice in all situations.

But actually it is useful to understand what love is before you can answer that question. What would love do? Love for what? Love for whom? In a world where we are bombarded with all kinds of conflicting images of what it might be, it's hard to stay away from all kinds of stereotypes. We often start our journey through love with raging desires, languishing over an unrequited love, or just disappearing into each other.

Then you can enter another dramatic phase: you completely ignore yourself, and you change yourself for someone else. Or you demand that from someone else. Fortunately, after that we often enter a phase where there seems to be more balance and we end up in calmer waters. Which in turn can lead to unrest, because isn't love about sailing the turbulent waters together?

And what about the love we feel for our family, friends, pets? Is “Love” then comparable to the ideal image of all sitting around a perpetual campfire and singing a campfire song together again? Very nice and cozy, but at some point I get  restless and I need some variety.

Pleiadians: “Love means nothing more than: we are connected. What touches you touches me. If you're happy, I can feel it. When you're sad, I feel it. When I'm happy, it has an effect on you. When I'm angry, it affects you. One emotion is not more important than the other. It's about how it affects everyone."

Love is: there is no I without we.

We are all in one field: the field of unity. Everything affects everything. Everything you feel affects your environment. That is what it means to live in 5th dimensional consciousness. You live in connection with everything around you.

In 3rd dimensional consciousness you learn all about the I and all that is not-I. Only when you have mastered that can you let go and start living in connection. You are no longer afraid of losing yourself in the whole, because you have already tried and experienced everything. You know that YOU is separate from I.

In the 5th Dimensional consciousness, it is about love, it is about WE. We are talking about the WE in the broadest sense of the word. You feel the connection with your environment. In the beginning it is with the rest of humanity, then it can spread to animals and plants, to the minerals, bacteria and all of Mother Earth. Eventually you will begin to feel the harmony in the universe as well. You will become part of the Great All. And then it's time for the next big shift.

We often get the question why we help you. This is why. Love. What touches you affects us. We are connected. Your pain is our pain. The pain of separation. You are already part of the big everything. And we are as well. We are one, we exist in the same field, the unity field. By helping you, we help ourselves. And the whole universe.

We have spoken about the whole universe watching Earth and holding its collective breath for what's to come here. This is why. What happens to you happens to all of us. Therefore do not be afraid. Let go of all doomsday scenarios. We are with you. We won't let you down. We are in the same field, or to put it another way: we love you. There is no WE without YOU.”



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