One step closer to 5D 

October 5th, 2022


As a child I was different. I could understand everything. I could always understand why someone had committed a crime, from that person’s perspective it had simply been the only choice available.

It’s like I could always see through someone, to their essence and see their motivations from there. And it all seemed so logical. We highly sensitive beings tend to see someone’s potential. We see who someone could have been if they hadn’t been so hurt.

We see, as it were, the angelic wings of another completely spread out and radiant. This could have been the highest potential; this is what one can be in his or her greatest glory.

Too bad…

The angel wings often distract us. We confuse them with the reality of the moment. And we so often respond to one’s highest potential and fail to see the damage. We forget to shield ourselves from someone’s harmful behavior because we see through it. We look at the expanded version of that person and they would never do that.

This pattern was once presented to me very clearly. I was in Paris with a dear friend at the time and I took pictures of her. I saw her looking so radiant, the image was beautiful. But every time I pressed the button to take the picture, the image changed. The beautiful angel wasn’t in the picture, just a woman looking sullenly into the camera.

At the time, I couldn’t figure it out. Until a year later I realized how destructive our relationship was to me. I suddenly thought back to that photo session. I had seen her angelic form, zoomed in on it, but it was not the form she had assumed at the time. I saw beyond her faults to her pure self. But that wasn’t how she really was at the time. I failed her. I imposed my vision of her on her. I did not see her as she really was, but only how I wanted to see her.

It is one of the most beautiful qualities you can have. Seeing people as they are in their true essence. Unfortunately, it is also a major pitfall. It is important to see everyone more multidimensionally. On several levels at the same time. The essence AND the personality. The perfection AND the imperfections. That’s the way to really see people. That’s how we want to be seen ourselves. To be seen in our beauty in wounds, victories, darkness and greatness; We are all of it. Embrace it all. In this way you experience yourself and others as multidimensional beings.

And that’s another step closer to 5D.




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