Queen of the jungle

22 March 2023

 As a child I had a secret fantasy. I walked through paradise like some kind of queen of the jungle. I talked to the animals; we were dear friends. I was happy in this beautiful environment. It was my refuge for all those moments when life was hard and I felt lonely. With my eyes closed I could feel, see and breathe this world, I could completely surrender myself to life in paradise.

As I got older, the dream started to fade into the background. I actually rarely, if ever, connected myself with this world. I still felt – or maybe even more so than ever when I entered high school – the odd one out, but learned to seek refuge in other “socially accepted” distractions such as television and later alcohol, partying and men.

The dream was finally forgotten. Very occasionally I still thought of it as a vague memory that occasionally flashed through my mind.

Until the time I started looking for answers. I wanted to know how the world worked. Why didn't what I saw in the world match how I knew deep down it should be. It led to my spiritual exploration. From Reiki via Berkley Psychic Institute to Pleiadian Lightwork and the Star Beings.

The more I connected with Star Beings, the more I felt that I had had multiple lives on other planets. Over the years, memories of those lives slowly returned. And still I didn't know what the queen-of-the-jungle dream was about.

Until last week! During a meditation I was led to Lyra, to Avyon. A place in paradise where the plants grew lush and the animals lived in harmony with each other. Suddenly it hit me! I know this place! This is the place I always dreamed of! Memories suddenly flooded through me again. I remembered paradise again. This is Eden, the place I was so homesick for, this is the home of the queen of the jungle!

Pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I suddenly understood the homesickness, the great longing for harmony. I had regained a piece of myself. A soul retrieval. 

So, this will happen more and more, dear Radiant Soul. During a meditation where you go back to a place, an insight will suddenly come, memories come back, because you never really completely forgot. It’s a way of reconnecting those forgotten parts of yourself. 

Will this regained memory radically change my life? No, I don't believe that. But it does enrich my life and it gives insight into why I do what I do. A sparkle of our true essence begins to shine again. 

Guides: Your memories are coming back more and more, as the dark cloud of forgetfulness around Earth continues to thin. There is more and more connection with your great self! Make sure your own connections to your multidimensional self are as clean and open as possible. Then the memory can come through optimally.

Inge: How do you keep the connections with your multidimensional self clean and open?

Guides: Connect with your Higher Self every day. Every day, state the intention to keep the connections clean and open. Your Higher Self will then help you. Every day. 


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