The Universe is a ballroom

26 April 2023

One of my favorite light buddies to work with is Archangel Michael. You have probably worked with him before (or maybe even regularly). He seems to be very popular with lightworkers and I can see why! In the dark lower vibrational world in which we have incarnated, in which we have been lost for so long, he was one of the glow-in-the-dark figures. The one who protected us when we were afraid, the one who shone the light of Truth when we were uncertain.

Michael is always there. Right? Or is he?

Recently I encountered him at a portal in a Sacred Site. He kept watch there and made sure that only those whose frequency matched the spot could pass through the portal.

I happily greeted him. But I also began to wonder how he could always be in all the places at once. Omnipresent. All those lightworkers who want to talk to him, count on him for protection and then still be here. How does he do that?

So, I asked him that.


“Everyone sees a small part of me. A reflection of my true self. Think of it like a big disco ball, yes like the crystal center, with all those different shiny surfaces that all reflect a reflection of my energy. I am in all places at once because time and space do not exist for us and everyone sees a fraction of me. This is the nature of the quantum universe. 

My full self is not yet seen in your present state. It is only when you come to expand into the great version of yourself that you can get an idea of ​​how great I am. Because you are ultimately as great as I am.

Realize that the version of you that you are experiencing right now is just a reflection in one of the shiny squares of the disco ball. A fraction of your true self.

I stand beside you in the grand ballroom of the universe and I look at the glittering disco balls and see my reflection reflected. I beam my light in all directions and your disco balls reflect my light and thus help to spread it. The more you invoke Me and work with Me, the further My light will reach.

So, it's never that you're too much for me. I am always there and I am happy if you call upon me and want to work with me. That means that you are touched by my light and reflect my light further. Together we illuminate the ballroom of the universe.”

Party on radiant souls! Life is a celebration, light it up!


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